Tag Archives: excellent

The excellent actress and beauty replaced the village with a village, once Vlado Mandić’s girlfriend, and today she is engaged in agriculture! (PHOTO / VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Blic/T.Đ DATE AND TIME: 13.11.2020. 07:41 – 13.11.2020. 08:31 Serbian actress Marija Petronijevic decided eight years ago to radically change her life. He left Belgrade in 2012 and returned to his hometown of Visibabe. Marija Petronijevic, Photo: Printscreen Marija is dedicated to agriculture in the field, specifically, she …

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He would be an excellent minister for optimism.

[ad_1] When asked by the “Hit Tweet” reporter about rumors that her name is mentioned in the context that she could become the new government’s Minister of Health after the June 21 elections, Dr. Kisić said . – The media is interested in that, but I am a boring person, …

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