Tag Archives: epidemiological

Kon: epidemiological emergency situation in Belgrade

[ad_1] There is an extraordinary epidemiological situation in Belgrade, because for more than a week around 1,200 infected people have been registered every day, says epidemiologist Predrag Kon. Source: Tanjug Tuesday, November 10, 2020 | 16:15 PHOTO TANJUG / DRAGAN KUJUNDZIC Kon adds that it will be seen at the …

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About the epidemiological situation H1 Serbia

[ad_1] Illustration The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Đerlek, affirmed that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is worrying and evaluated that the number of new infected by coronavirus is expected to increase by the end of the week. Speaking on Pink TV, Djerlek again appealed to …

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Mainly in Novi Sad, the epidemiological situation is unfavorable

[ad_1] Photo: Sladjana Stojanovic Compared with last week, in Vojvodina there was a significant increase in the number of registered cases positive for the corona virus, and most of them are in Novi Sad, 162, according to the Vojvodina Institute of Public Health. According to the Institute, the epidemiological situation …

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AT CAFES FAIRONT FOR 20 HOURS? Due to the accelerated spread of coronary infection, the state will consider tightening epidemiological measures this week.

[ad_1] The virus needs to be controlled where it spreads the most, and those are mass gathering places, primarily catering facilities. Although this can have bad economic consequences, the first and next epidemiological measure, which is also defended by members of the crisis staff, could be a new restriction on …

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