Tag Archives: Dveri

Iz Dveri u SNS – Politika

[ad_1] Until recently, the chairman of the Provincial Board of the Dveri Movement, Radoš Pejović, joined the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), Vojvodina Radio Television reported today. Write: FoNetAugust 29, 2020. 17.12Modified: 17.32 Photo: wikipedia Vojvodina Assembly Vice President Damir Zobenica, who welcomed the new member on behalf of the SNS, …

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Dveri: Fear of the Obradović authorities – ELECTIONS

[ad_1] The Dveri movement announced today that the Interior Ministry prohibited Boško Obradović’s brother from visiting him and meeting him on the steps of parliament, where he is on a hunger strike. Type: FoNetMay 13, 2020 02/22 Photo: Doors / Twitter Even the most serious criminals have that right. The …

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Dveri: MUP zabranio posetu brata Obradoviću – Blic

[ad_1] Dveri: MUP zabranio posetu brata Obradoviću Blic DW: Oštar start izborne kampanje u Srbiji – potencijal za nasilje Данас “Отаџбина” Подржавамо Бошка Обрадовића у његовој борби за КиМ, али га саветујемо да прекине штрајк због свог здравља и породице Нова српска политичка мисао Dveri: Strah vlasti od Obradovića – …

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MP Dveri joined Obradović on hunger strike – Politika

[ad_1] Deputy of the Dveri movement in the Serbian Assembly, Ivan Kostić, started a hunger strike and joined the leader of that movement, Boško Obradović, reported TV N1. Type: BetaMay 12, 2020 18.10Modified: 18.11 Photo: Miloš Miljković On the third day, Obradović is on a hunger strike on the steps …

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Deputy Dveri joined Boško Obradović on a hunger strike

[ad_1] Another member of the Dveri movement, Ivan Kostic, started a hunger strike and joined the leader of the movement Bosko Obradovic, who has been on a hunger strike on the steps in front of the entrance to the Chamber of the National Assembly for three days, demanding Among other …

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