Tag Archives: Doors

Gianni and Sladja opened the doors of a luxury home for Pink.rs! The Trajković are celebrating a silver wedding in 2021, and they are also preparing a GALA party! One thing still does not give peace to the singer’s wife, and it concerns her illegitimate son and grandson! (PHOTO)

[ad_1] They want to leave everything ugly that happened to them in 2020, and in 2021 they will celebrate 25 years of marriage and celebrate the wedding of their first-born and the birth and baptism of their grandchildren. Famous popular singer Radiša Trajković Đani and his wife Sladjana Trajkovic opened …

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“THEY SUPPORTED HIM, BUT THE DOORS CLOSED AND HAS NOTHING” The principal of the school in Grocka revealed the details of CHAOS, the students recognized the attackers who BROKEN THE WINDOW AND ESCAPED

[ad_1] A seventeen-year-old student was attacked and beaten at the “Grocka” high school in this neighborhood of Belgrade around 9 am today. He was attacked at school by two young men who are not students of this educational institution! As the school principal, Selimir Radosavljevic, says for “Blic”, one of …

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I AM RECOGNIZED IN THE MIDDLE OF NEW YORK! Milica from the Open Doors series works in America today, finished college and had fewer successes.

[ad_1] Sofija Jović Delić became famous for her role as Milica in the series “Open Doors” and won numerous sympathies from the audience. photo: Dado Đilas After the aforementioned series, Sofia left Serbia and went to study abroad. She graduated in theater directing from New York University, then studied psychology, …

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