Tag Archives: directors

BUJOSEVIC AND OLIVERA JOVICEVIC IN THE CAREER OF DIRECTOR: The RTS Board of Directors opened the applications received for the contest for the first man of public service

[ad_1] Today, the RTS Board of Directors opened 12 applications received and declared that the current acting CEO Dragan Bujošević, author of the program “Questionnaire” Olivera Jovićević, writer and former member of REM Miloš Rajković, well-known presenter of “Belgrade Chronicle” and ” Jutarnji program “, stated that it met the …

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Doctors Kon and Tiodorović share the same concern and refers to the school. This is what it is about and why Šarčević has already changed three directors

[ad_1] According to epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, high school students are the least adherent to epidemiological measures, they do not wear masks, nor do they take physical distance into account. That, as he says, worries him a lot. Not surprising, considering that this summer we were convinced that a very …

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