Tag Archives: decision

“That decision brings Montenegro to the brink of a civil war.”

[ad_1] The Montenegrin non-governmental organization Montenegro International informed EU and NATO officials in writing about the adoption of the amendments to the Freedom of Religion Law. Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 12/30/2020 | 12:28 Photo: Depositphotos / natanaelginting With the warning that this is a “constitutional coup”, that Serbia is the main …

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30 MEMBERS AND A DECISION The dissonant tones in crisis personnel are becoming more pronounced, and the clock ticks faster and faster at midnight, what measurements are on the table FOR THE NEW YEAR

[ad_1] The New Year is just around the corner, and the question of all questions is which of the two sides will prevail: the medical or financial side of crisis personnel? The final decision on how we will celebrate the holidays should be made on Monday, and it seems that …

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