Tag Archives: country

Clans easily find soldiers in our country

[ad_1] The state has declared war on the mafia: drug traffickers, everyone involved in corruption, arrogant drivers who kill our children on the streets, thugs who make innocent people suffer … The main role in that is played by the Interior Ministry, and Minister Aleksandar Vulin spoke about it on …

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CROATS WRITES EVERY SIX REVIEWS: Last year up to 385 amendments were submitted to the European Parliament report on the progress of our country.

[ad_1] Up to 385 amendments have been tabled to this year’s report, some recognizing Serbia’s reforms and respecting its territorial integrity, others criticizing human rights, the media and even prejudging the status of Kosovo. And there are those “neighbors”. Tonino Picula, as co-presenter of many amendments, demands, among other things, …

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BELGRADE “COVERED” UNTIL MID 2022 Bajatović: The state leadership has entrusted us with the task of carrying out gasification throughout the country

[ad_1] Bajatović said gasification is currently underway at Zemun and Grocka and is being completed at Rakovica. He stated that “Srbijagas” was given the task of gasification throughout the country by the state leadership, adding that this would include the Serbian government. – We have already made some districts, but …

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