Tag Archives: Corona

The symptoms of corona in children are as follows

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Blic/M.Š. DATE AND TIME: 05.09.2020. 21:35 – 05.09.2020. 21:57 Diarrhea and vomiting can be key symptoms of kovida-19 in children, the scientists claim, which would mean that the official symptom list needs to be updated. Kindergarten, food, children, Photo: Profimedia Official lists of infection symptoms korona virusom Children …

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Novi Sad – coronavirus – a master incenses the corona

[ad_1] The fourth grade teacher of the primary school “Ivo Lola Ribar” in Novi Sad suggested to the parents of the viber group that they smoke incense in the classroom before the start of classes and that the children pray to “protect themselves” from the virus, writes today the portal …

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