Tag Archives: clan

“HE DRESSED ARMOR AND POINTED A GUN AT ME” The head of the Zagorje clan arrested for kidnapping a teenager, a young man revealed that a black “Audi” was waiting for him in front of the house

[ad_1] Radoslav Gile Stanisic was arrested this morning after a brief search of the report of a 17-year-old boy whom he kidnapped yesterday and, threatened with a pistol, asked him to hand over the encrypted phone that he allegedly had in his possession. According to the allegations in the report …

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The leader of the Zoran Jaksic clan dug a tunnel to escape from the prison: the police discovered an infernal plan, the secret passage paid half a million dollars! (VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Kurir / MG DATE AND TIME: 08.12.2020. 19:57 Zoran Jaksic, before being released under house arrest, planned to escape from “Castro” in Peru, through the underground passage between the casemates and his own restaurant. Photo: Printscreen Zoran Jaksic de Zrenjanin, one of the alleged leaders of …

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JAPANESE GOVERNMENT ARCHIVE Blackmailed, harassed, a member of the “Zemun clan”, and it was revealed that his LIQUIDATION was planned

[ad_1] Vladimir Jovanović, better known as Vlada Japanac, a former member of the notorious “Zemun clan”, was arrested yesterday on the basis of an international arrest warrant for serving a four-year prison sentence. As announced, the Japanese government tried to escape during the arrest, but was quickly overpowered by the …

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