Tag Archives: Citizens

Djilas media misled citizens – alo.rs

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs DATE AND TIME: 15.09.2020. 21:25 The Interior Ministry informs the public that the Internet portal “nova.rs” published an outright lie tonight, as Police Director Vladimir Rebić claimed that the Novi Sad police filed a criminal complaint against the fugitive Ivan Kontić. Photo: MUP The police director said …

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All citizens coming from Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina will be UNDER SUPERVISION, they must contact a doctor within 24 hours, the decision will take effect on FRIDAY FROM 6 pm

[ad_1] All citizens of Serbia returning from abroad, mainly from countries where there has been an “explosion” of coronavirus such as Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, should contact an epidemiologist or doctor of their choice within 24 hours after entering the country. , “Blic” finds out. This decision will …

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