Tag Archives: Citizens

Irresponsible citizens will receive a minor misdemeanor order in the future for failure to comply with the measures, and this is what EXACTLY IT MEANS

[ad_1] Photo: Profimedia / DENIS LOVROVIC / AFP The announced urgent amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases are being drafted, which will prescribe that the communal militia issue a foul order for non-compliance with the measures prescribed to prevent the spread of the …

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The number of hospitalized grows, appealing to citizens to wear masks

[ad_1] 08:09 The kindergarten in Aleksandrovac is closed as of today. The children’s institution “Nasa radost” in Aleksandrovac will not work from today, because a worker employed in the kitchen tests positive for coronavirus. All the children are fine for now, and the Krusevac Public Health Institute’s recommendation was made …

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These citizens of Serbia are the most attacked by the crown

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/V.Đ. DATE AND TIME: 24.10.2020. 22:55 Today, Serbia broke the infamous record when it comes to people infected with the corona virus on a daily basis. Korona, KBC Zemun, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic What experts feared happened: In the last 24 hours, 757 new infected people were …

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