Tag Archives: cafés

ALL THE CROWN MEASURES IN ONE PLACE What you need, and what are only recommendations, when the PUNISHMENT begins, where everything is an emergency situation, and where the cafes work ONLY UNTIL 9 PM

[ad_1] Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in our country, the epidemiological measures that have not been abolished are related to the use of a protective mask, as well as the maintenance of social distance. However, as the epidemiological situation changes, so do measures aimed at preventing further spread …

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AT CAFES FAIRONT FOR 20 HOURS? Due to the accelerated spread of coronary infection, the state will consider tightening epidemiological measures this week.

[ad_1] The virus needs to be controlled where it spreads the most, and those are mass gathering places, primarily catering facilities. Although this can have bad economic consequences, the first and next epidemiological measure, which is also defended by members of the crisis staff, could be a new restriction on …

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