Tag Archives: cafés

If the numbers continue to fall, it is increasingly certain that we will be sitting in the gardens of the cafes in two days

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/NI DATE AND TIME: 03.04.2021. 15:37 Today, 4,133 new positive coronavirus cases were recorded in Serbia, representing a significant decrease compared to yesterday, when 4,826 were recorded. Rain, sun, coffee, walk, weather forecast, Photo: Hello! / Vladimir Markovic These figures in terms of new infected are encouraging because …

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Today, closed cafes and shopping centers, open-air theaters, hair salons, gyms …

[ad_1] The Serbian Government has decided that catering facilities and shopping centers will remain closed today, while service activities, grocery stores, cinemas, theaters, galleries and libraries can operate with strict epidemiological measures. Cinemas, theaters, libraries and other cultural institutions, hairdressing salons and other service activities must provide a minimum of …

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