Tag Archives: brutal

Suspects in the brutal murder of a businessman in a factory

[ad_1] Photo: Kurir Television, Private Archive After one of the two brothers suspected of killing a 46-year-old man in the area of ​​the MIN Kopeks factory in Nis was questioned last week, and his arrest was later ordered, another brother was questioned and is also in custody, he confirmed. the …

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Before the trial of Nedjeljko Djurovic, accused of brutal murder, our colleague received threats: the father of the “Twitter killer” told a journalist to say hi to the “boss”

[ad_1] AUTHOR: D. Ć. – IS DATE AND TIME: 21.10.2020. 07:00 Bojica Đurović, the father of Nedjeljko Đurović, sends disturbing messages to the journalist of our newspaper, in which “he wishes him and his family happiness” and says “that there are dead dwarves being born again” Nedjeljko Djurovic, Photo: Instagram …

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