Tag Archives: Biden

IS ALBRITH RETURNING TO THE PLACE OF THE CRIME? Today, the meeting of the Biden people for the Balkans will demand the recognition of the so-called Kosovo and the “restraint” of RS

[ad_1] They will give recommendations to the future administration, led by Joe Biden, on what attitudes should be taken towards our region. According to media reports in the region, experts from the Western Balkans, including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, John Hopkins University professor Daniel Server and analyst Janusz …

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“See you with Biden in the first half of 2021.”

[ad_1] Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s position remained unchanged on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Source: B92 Thursday, 3/12/2020 | 22:28 EPA-EFE / KOCA SULEJMANOVIC He announced the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on December 10 on the issue of property …

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Kosovo and Biden: “thank you for bombing Yugoslavia”

[ad_1] Belgrade: A cult of the United States and NATO has been created in Kosovo since 1999, an Atlanticist religion that has its gods, Sputnik estimates. Source: Sputnik Thursday, 3/12/2020 | 07:20 EPA-EFE Kushtrim Ternava It is part of Kosovo’s political folklore and they want to show that they are …

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He’s not the same Biden from the 90s anymore!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Tanjug/M.Lj. DATE AND TIME: 24.11.2020. 16:13 – 24.11.2020. 16:40 Photo: printscreeen youtube Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said he did not expect “extreme changes” in the US attitude towards the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, following the change to the US front, but that he expected the US to continue supporting the …

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“BIDEN I DO NOT DOUBT! HE PLAYED NOW!” Ljiljana Jaksic Salveta danced with the PRESIDENT OF AMERICA 4 years ago in Skadarlija! For Pink.rs, remember that moment and reveal if there was a trampling

[ad_1] At that time, Ljiljana didn’t even know that she had the honor of dancing with the future president of the United States of America. The newly elected president of the United States Joseph Biden He was a guest in Belgrade in 2016. Then, serving as Vice President of America, …

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