Tag Archives: Belgrade

THUNDER IN THE SKY OVER BELGRADE: The army is in charge, tomorrow is the promotion of the younger officers! The President – Kurir is also present

[ad_1] THUNDER IN THE SKY OVER BELGRADE: The army is in charge, tomorrow is the promotion of the younger officers! President Kurir is also present A dress rehearsal was held before tomorrow’s promotion of the younger officers of the Serbian Army Today MILITARY CADETS PRACTICED FOR TOMORROW PROMOTION TO OFFICIALS: …

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Hoti’s new condition for Belgrade; Đurić: Can’t – B92

[ad_1] Hoti’s new condition for Belgrade; Đurić: B92 will not be able Hoti: ZSO when final agreement with Belgrade is reached N1 Info Hoti: We will respect the agreement on the Union of Serbian Municipalities – Politics – Dnevni list Danas Đurić: There is no agreement without the Association of …

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