Tag Archives: begins

The Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church BEGINS AT NOON Here is which of the bishops will not vote and who will have two votes. According to the Synod’s agenda

[ad_1] Bishop Pahomije of Vranje, Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand and Bishop Lavrentije of Sabac will not attend tomorrow’s election session of the Serbian Orthodox Church. As things stand now, 43 bishops will attend the session. According to the Synod, the session begins at noon and the patriarch …

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Mass vaccination of citizens begins on Tuesday

[ad_1] Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced that the “mass” vaccination of citizens against the coronavirus will begin tomorrow in Serbia. He said that starting tomorrow educators, military and police, as well as journalists will be vaccinated. “We have already started inviting people who have expressed interest in getting vaccinated. Please …

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“THE MASS VACCINATION BEGINS FROM TOMORROW” First in line are these 4 CATEGORIES of the population, the vaccine will be received by Minister Ružić

[ad_1] Vaccination for the next priority group, which includes educators, members of the Interior Ministry, the Serbian army and representatives of the media, will begin tomorrow, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced. Brnabic said that media representatives, especially media workers who are constantly on the ground, were included in the priority …

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Vučić: Corona vaccination begins

[ad_1] Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine would begin tomorrow, starting from nursing homes and that someone from the government would receive the vaccine, as proof that it was valid. We will see if it will be me, Ana Brnabić or Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Vučić …

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