[ad_1] The next week will be extremely difficult, but after December 1, we expect a slight leveling of the curve and then a gradual decrease in the number of new infected, says the epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team for the suppression of the kovid 19 infection prof. Dr. …
Read More »There will be more than 50 deaths a day, and today and tomorrow a serious risk awaits us
[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Blic/M.Lj. DATE AND TIME: 21.11.2020. 09:59 – 21.11.2020. 10:05 In celebrating the holiday, Kon recalled the earlier announcement by the Serbian Orthodox Church, in which believers are invited to celebrate the holiday, but inside the house. Photo: Tanjug The introduction of restrictive measures was delayed and will now …
Read More »The first snow is coming! The meteorologist Todorović gave a long-term forecast, this is what December awaits us
[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs DATE AND TIME: 18.11.2020. 20:27 – 18.11.2020. 21:05 Vesić announced that subzero temperatures and the first small-scale snow are expected on the outskirts of the city for next weekend. Nedeljko Todorovic, Photo: Printscreen Nedeljko Todorović, meteorologist at RHMZ, said that there will be snow from Friday until …
Read More »A famous meteorologist announced what kind of weather awaits us at the end of the month!
[ad_1] Photo: Printscreen Youtube / garethtrooper Facing the cold front, the south current will prevail over our area, and after a long time, there will be intervals of sun in most of Serbia and it will be very hot for this time of year. The maximum temperature in some parts …
Read More »The Chinese virologist no longer has words of comfort for us! This is what awaits us the most! (VIDEO)
[ad_1] A year ago, Shi Zhengli was at a conference when she was invited to return to Wuhan because two patients with unusual pneumonia were admitted to the hospital. These are the first known cases of people suffering from kovid, a virus that caused a pandemic and infected more than …
Read More »Meteorologist Todorović reveals what kind of winter awaits us, everything changes after Arandjelovdan
[ad_1] According to current forecasts, a somewhat harsher winter awaits us this year than in recent years Photo: Alo.rs/ Illustration However, meteorologists emphasize that this does not mean a negative extreme, but only slightly more snow than last year. Forecasts for now show such a picture, but the kind of …
Read More »GET READY FOR THE SNOW! A sunny weekend awaits us, but then the TRADE arrives
[ad_1] Mostly sunny for the weekend, and as of Monday cloudy, with occasional rain, are the weather conditions that meteorologists are announcing for the next seven days. After a light frost on the ground and sometimes morning fog, on Saturday and Sunday it will be mostly sunny during the day, …
Read More »This is what awaits us for the NEW YEAR and what it depends on.
[ad_1] Prof. Dr Tanja Jovanović, a virologist and vice dean of teaching at the Belgrade University School of Medicine, explained that viruses are characterized by the ability to mutate. – This especially refers to viruses that have the organization of genetic material like this corona virus. But it is also …
Read More »DARK AND COLD DAY AHEAD: This is the kind of weather that awaits us for the weekend and early next week.
[ad_1] During the day in the north and west with slightly more clouds in places with light rain, in the south and southeast mostly sunny, in other parts moderately cloudy and dry. In Timočka Krajina, gloomy, occasionally with drizzle. Weak and moderate wind, in the south of Banat occasionally strong, …
Read More »The Metropolitan left a written will, and the opening awaits only this man.
[ad_1] Photo: Nebojsa Mandic, Printscreen The recently deceased metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, left a written will that will be read in the presence of Bishop Joanikije of Budva-Niksic, who is currently in self-isolation due to the corona virus, said SOC lawyer Dalibor Kavaric. Kavaric told Pobjeda in …
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