Tag Archives: arrived

FORMER BASKETBALL PLAYER ARRIVES AT HEARING Miladin Kovačević accused of HITTING A GIRL, arrived at the police station with a lawyer

[ad_1] Today, Miladin Kovačević, accompanied by his lawyer Ivan Gvozdenec, arrived at the Savski venac police station, where he is currently giving a statement after his girlfriend Tina T. reported him for violence. In other words, by order of the First Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade, the registration of Miladin Kovačević, …

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IMMEDIATE WHAT HE DOES WITH THE DAUGHTERS After the news that Anabela had heard from Andrei! The oldest broke everything, the police arrived | The latest news

[ad_1] 04/29/2020 • 23:54Serbia today Photo: Serbia Today – Youtube printcreen / Paparazzo Hunting // DNA In the spotlight … Great earthquake in the real world. Anabela Atijas and Luna Djogani, co-host of “Co-operative 3”, appeared on social media to say that they had heard from Andrei Atias, who told …

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