Tag Archives: arrested

THIS IS HOW MILOSEVIC WAS ARRESTED EXACTLY 20 YEARS AGO: First he washed his daughter Marija’s hair, told the police: HERE, I’LL DO IT QUICKLY! VIDEO

[ad_1] Photo: Printscreen, EPA / Vlada Dimitrijević After Milosevic’s arrest, his wife Mira and daughter Marija temporarily stayed in Dedinje village. During the arrest, daughter Marija apparently fired a gun. Cedomir Jovanovic said that a large number of his supporters gathered in front of the “Mir” villa, where Milosevic was …

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The FBI arrested the most dangerous Serb! Special agents knocked on the door of the leader of the oldest and strongest criminal group in this area.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: IT’S IN DATE AND TIME: 07.03.2021. 07:00 Mileta Miljanic, leader of the infamous “Grupo de América”, arrested in New York for possession of weapons, but the order establishes the fight against drug trafficking, so new details are still awaited Mileta Miljanic, Photo: Printscreen The United States Federal Bureau …

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7 kilograms of drugs seized, two people arrested!

[ad_1] Members of the Belgrade Ministry of the Interior arrested AV (1993) and NI (1986) due to the existence of grounds to suspect that they committed criminal acts of unauthorized production and distribution of narcotic drugs and illicit production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons. and explosives. During the search …

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