Tag Archives: appearance

SEE HOW THE KOVID HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION ADVANCED: The president posted a video and announced a guest appearance on RTS, and this is what he will talk about (VIDEO)

[ad_1] The hospital was built in just four months and covers an area of ​​18,000 square meters. Its construction and completion of the works were the reason for the announcement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who highlighted the importance and work of the people who built it. – …

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MINERS BREAK THE LED, JO BAGERISTA FINISHED THE WORK What preceded the appearance of hundreds of thousands of people on the street on October 5 and how the REVOLUTION was carried out

[ad_1] The great coup, which was undoubtedly the fall from power of Slobodan Milosevic, brings with it great stories, heroes, truths, secrets … “Blic” recalls the most important events before and on the day of the revolution. The October 5 protest under the slogan “Serbia in Belgrade” in the center …

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