Tag Archives: apologized

Security attacked TV N1, Aseko apologized – Company

[ad_1] During the attempt to film the building of the “Aseko” company for television reporting needs, the H1 team was attacked by a security worker from that company, with a camera hit and an open threat, reports H1. Write: N1 / Today OnlineSeptember 23, 2020. 9:00 pmModified: 21.28 Security worker …

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This is who only the Russian head of state apologized to!

[ad_1] Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukić, AP / Alexei Nikolsky The BBC thus recalls that on October 26, 2002, Putin publicly apologized to citizens after the attack on the Dubrovnik theater, where Chechen extremists took the spectators of the musical “Northeast” hostage, and that he apologized to the relatives. Victims …

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To whom Putin has publicly apologized so far

[ad_1] The British BBC announced on the occasion of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s apology to Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić for Marija Zaharova’s Facebook post that such public apologies are rare and remind of who the Russian President has apologized to so far and why. The BBC recalls that on October …

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Yes, Putin apologized – B92

[ad_1] Moscow – Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to RIA Novosti that President Vladimir Putin has apologized to President Alexander Vui for Maria Zakharova. Source: Tanjug Friday, September 11, 2020 | 07:41 EPA-EFE Gerard Julien Pool Maxppp Out Serbian President Aleksandar Vui, according to RIA Novosti, said in the Serbian …

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