Tag Archives: answered

IS THERE AN END OF THE CROWN? AND WHEN? We asked Dr. Tiodorović and Dr. Ćujić about measures, vaccines and immunity, and they answered the key question with TWO DATES

[ad_1] If we adhere to the measures and address vaccination correctly in as many as possible, we will get out of the vicious circle of the coronavirus and the pandemic. This is confirmed for “Blic” by prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member, stating that he is really …

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WHAT ARE THE POSSIBILITIES THAT THE CROWN WILL MOVE ALSO IN SERBIA? Dr. Tiorodović answered the question about the new strain of the virus, which is of great interest to many

[ad_1] So far no infection with a new corona strain has been recorded in Serbia, and as prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and member of the Crisis Team for the fight against coronavirus, there is always the possibility of something like this happening. Let us not forget that the crown …

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MILAN DISAPPEARED TWO DAYS AGO IN DONJI MILANOVAC: The family is desperate – they saw him in the city, and then a completely unknown man answered his number

[ad_1] As Milan’s brother Mihajlo says for “Novosti”, the disappearance was reported to the police yesterday morning, and the police immediately began searching. – He was wearing black jeans, white sneakers and a navy blue jacket with white fur – says Mihajlo Ilić for “Novosti”. Anguished mother Mileva says that …

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Vučić answered the questions, and then Dačić added: Well, I was there and I saw that it was not good … Everyone laughed!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DN DATE AND TIME: 02.11.2020. 15:10 – 02.11.2020. 16:01 Responding to journalists’ question about the opposition protests over the construction of the Jadarite mine near Loznica, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić expressed surprise that, as he said, these people are protesting against the decisions they made while they were …

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