Tag Archives: allowed

Online Policy: New GM Soy Allowed for Human Consumption

[ad_1] The European Commission (EC) recently approved the use of a new genetically modified soybean variety for human and animal consumption. This news, it seems, passed without much public comment and in the shadow of the new wave of spread of the pandemic in the countries of Europe. As reported …

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HERO WILL BE ALLOWED FOR ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son delivered a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) – Vecernje Novosti

[ad_1] HERO WILL BE ALLOWED ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son received a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) Vecernje Novosti FUNERAL OF THE ELDERLY DEJAN KRSNIK: inconsolable wife and son, friends and colleagues of the Serbian army send him to the Kurir PILOT …

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Concerts in clubs with distance and masks are allowed.

[ad_1] In recent days, the health and community inspection has strengthened control over the implementation of epidemiological measures in restaurants and other facilities, so those who do not respect the regulations can be fined dramatically, from 500,000 to two million dinars . photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundzic To save money, …

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If this is allowed, it will not be with my consent!

[ad_1] Fall is a favorite part of the year for celebrations, weddings, christenings. However, this year there is an aggravating circumstance: the corona virus. While all the newlyweds are wondering what will happen to the entire organization, whether the number of guests will increase, what will happen to the guests …

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