Tag Archives: admitted

Cindy revealed everything about the fight with Sandra Meljinichenko, so she admitted that her entire family lived in one room when she was a child (VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Kurir / Alo.rs / MA DATE AND TIME: 20.12.2020. 20:50 Honest … Ivana Stamenković Cindy, Photo: Hello / Masanori Jošida For many, the most beautiful and pretty Modlesica Ivana Stamenković Cindy, opened her soul and spoke about the domestic violence she suffered, also revealed if she forgave her …

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PLAYING WITH THE HEALTH OF OUR CITIZENS The state agency admitted that it had changed the criteria, the polluted air is now acceptable, and WE ARE STILL HARD BREATHING

[ad_1] After a few days of silence, the Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) admitted that a month ago the range of air quality indices changed, according to which the daily level of pollution by PM particles, the most dangerous pollution parameter, was mitigated. key. yesterday it was characterized as “contaminated” now …

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