AT CAFES FAIRONT FOR 20 HOURS? Due to the accelerated spread of coronary infection, the state will consider tightening epidemiological measures this week.

[ad_1] The virus needs to be controlled where it spreads the most, and those are mass gathering places, primarily catering facilities. Although this can have bad economic consequences, the first and next epidemiological measure, which is also defended by members of the crisis staff, could be a new restriction on …

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ACCELERATED MODERNIZATION OF SERBIA: Did Vučić announce negotiations on the construction of the Belgrade-Niš high-speed railway? (KURIR TELEVIZIJA) – Messenger

[ad_1] ACCELERATED MODERNIZATION OF SERBIA: Did Vučić announce negotiations on the construction of the Belgrade-Niš high-speed railway? (COURIER TELEVISION) Courier Frushkogorski Corridor in record time – until March 2024, Vojvodina Radio-Television VUCIC AFTER SIGNING THE FRUSKOGORSKI KORIDOR CONTRACT: Starting in 2024, we will travel from Loznica to Novi Sad by …

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