Tadic: The idea of ​​a boycott fell apart, the question is whether the SZS still exists – ELECTIONS


The idea of ​​a boycott has disintegrated, and the question is whether the Alliance for Serbia still exists, said the president of the Social Democratic Party (SDS) and former Serbian president Boris Tadic, and evaluated that “a new reality has emerged, caused by the state of emergency and the pandemic, and then because of the decision of the Free Citizens Movement to go to the polls. “

Tadic: The idea of ​​a boycott fell apart, the question is whether the SZS still exists 1Photo: FoNet / Ognjen Stevanović

He said he could not support Boško Obradović’s action in front of parliament, explaining that the Dveri leader was addressing his electorate as quite extreme.

Such action, he said, “is not understandable,” but he also believes that Obradović and Dveri are reacting to the “general circus and extremism that Vučić and the Serbian Progressive Party in Serbia have been building for eight years.”

“In societies like ours, where Vučić builds a primitive cult of personality, injects lies into public life every day, spreads aggression on all sides with the desire to become a historical figure, cannot predict how the explosion will occur in advance, “he said. it’s Tadic, the media report.

He said he would like “an alternative to an autocratic regime to be democracy and a stable, rational and sustainable system, and not another type of autocratic regime.”

The SDS leader believes that the boycott of parliament is an active situation, while the boycott of the elections, after everything is over, means that he has nothing else to boycott, because he is not in the Assembly.

“Then there is only the street that needs the masses of citizens, and not a few hundred or a thousand, as many as they went out to protest the first day after the lifting of the state of emergency.”

This shows that “people want to overcome the problem institutionally and not extra-institutionally,” Tadic explained, but also noted that “Vucic will never leave power peacefully.”

“The nature of his system is a thief and he will defend property that has been looted by citizens and the state,” said Tadic, who believes “it takes an accumulation of minor victories” for that system to win.

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