Tadic: My proposal is to go to the polls, so boycott parliament every day


The president of the Democratic Party, Zoran Lutovac, commenting on the proposal of the president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic, on the Boycott List, declared that going to the polls, whatever the name of the list they go to, only will go to the polls.

In a statement for the weekend edition of Danas, Lutovac said he did not question Tadic’s good intention of finding a compromise between the Free Citizens Movement, which changed its mind and wants to go to the polls of other parties and movements of opposition that did not express that intention. .

“Even when it was first placed in October last year, this idea was difficult to explain, and is now almost inexplicable, considering that in addition to autocracy and closed media, we also have a ban on meetings and a health hazard for citizens due to the pandemic, “said Lutovac. .

He mentioned that there are more than 8,000 polling stations in Serbia, and that is why the question arises who would be responsible for more than 20,000 DS members who would be deliberately exposed to health risks in polling stations and for the voters who would vote for that match.

Tadic: My proposal is to go to the polls, so boycott parliament every day

It should be remembered that the president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic, stated that his proposal to the opposition to go to the polls on the joint “Boycott List” means that instead of boycotting only one day, on election day, the boycott of parliament would continue every day.

“Instead of boycotting fraudulent illegitimate elections, we also boycott the bogus parliament, which resulted from those elections. Therefore, we retain the international negotiating position and mechanisms for preparing for the presidential elections, which we otherwise would not have had.” Tadic said to Danas.

As he said, “we would invite people to vote for the empty seats in the fake parliament, and not for us in that parliament.”

He said that “by going to the polls that way, that is, by simultaneously strengthening and prolonging the boycott, we continue the fight that we have led thus far, rather than weakening and interrupting and continuing it in a narrower composition.”

“In addition to that, it is a proposal that is a surprise factor at the last moment, for which neither the government nor the false opposition have strategically prepared, and a turn in which all our weaknesses that have emerged in the meantime become the place of our new strength, “said Tadic. .
