Tadic, Djilas and Jeremic made a fool of Serbian citizens! Give a million dollars for the freedom of the thugs and thugs of the returnees!



18.09.2020. 10:54

State money given to Kovacevic to leave America and return to Serbia

Miladin Kovacevic, Photo: youtube / AP Archive / screenho

Basketball player Miladin Kovacevic, who brutally beat student Brian Steinhauer in the United States in 2008, who spent three months in a coma as a result of the beating, returned to the public spotlight on suspicion of beating his girlfriend Tina T. (26).

On the night of Tuesday through Wednesday, Tina T. informed the police that an acquaintance of hers physically assaulted her and confiscated her purse with a mobile phone and documents, so that she could not ask for help.

It should be remembered that in 2008, when Kovacevic brutally beat an American student, Serbia, more precisely the citizens of Serbia, had to pay up to 900,000 dollars for that diplomatic scandal, as much as the state paid as compensation, and that event affected the relations of Serbia at that time. U.S.

The then government, in which Boris Tadic, Vuk Jeremic, Dragan Djilas, and Borko Stefanovic participated, among other things, each in a different position, paid almost 1,000,000 of our money to the United States for the freedom of Kovacevic.

In practice, the government of Djilas and Tadic publicly introduced violence into society as something desirable and sent a message to the perpetrators: just fight and strike, the state will pay for everything …

Boris Tadić and Dragan Đilas, Photo: printscreen/[email protected]

He managed to escape

Although he was arrested and had his passport confiscated so he could not leave the United States, he managed to escape by getting the Serbian consulate in New York to issue him a temporary travel document with which he left America and returned to Serbia.

In parallel, an investigation was carried out against Kovačević in both the United States and Serbia, which was handed over to Serbia after payment of compensation to the Steinhauer family, where Kovačević was sentenced to two years and three months in prison.

Tatjana Macura of the Modern Serbia Party also recalled these events writing on Twitter:

– Three respected colleagues, who today sit at the top of three different opposition parties, did their best to get around a million euros out of citizens’ pockets in 2008 to get this bastard out of America with some kind of diplomatic scandal – affirmed.
