Tadic: Comic in the Government – nasty surprise, didn’t dare accept that


The leader of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadić, told Nova S that Gordana Čomić was a surprise to him in the new government. “And that is very unpleasant and I cannot explain why and how it happened, but when we relax the films a little, we can understand the reasons for such a decision,” said the SDS leader.

Vučić, he added, from the beginning tried to “enrich” the government of some representatives of the former Democratic Party and that European option to get that image as well, he reports. Nova.rs.

As he said, that happened in 2012, and it was about someone else, in the end Vučić managed to take that step forward with the entry of a few other former DS members, and now with Gordana Čomić.

He recalled that even during the beginning of the crisis, when crisis staff became a practical political tool in the hands of Aleksandar Vučić, he said that he would not be surprised if any of those staff members became minister. “And here is Darija Kisić, who is becoming the minister of an area for which she is not responsible and for which she has absolutely no knowledge,” she said, adding that “obviously there was a search for a place for Darija Kisić.”

And when we mention her, we can connect her with former Justice Minister Nela Kuburović, Tadić said, emphasizing that “a zaova left, and a rush came, and that’s the best image of this government.”

When asked why the election of Gordana Comic was such an unpleasant surprise for him, Tadic explained that he “cannot accept that someone who belonged to a foreigner with a pro-European, civic and democratic orientation is a member of the system of government of Aleksandar Vucic, who he literally denies all of that. “

“You cannot be part of a government like this, and Gordana Comic, in my opinion, did not dare to accept that,” Tadic said.
