TADIC CALLED FROM THE HOSPITAL Here is the condition of the president of the Social Democratic Party


The president of the Social Democratic Party and former president of Serbia, Boris Tadic, reported from the “Dragisa Misovic” hospital, where he was admitted because he tested positive for the coronavirus.

He wrote on Twitter that he was feeling good and thanked everyone for their kind wishes.

“Thank you all for your wishes for recovery. A special thank you to the nurses and doctors of the” Dragisa Misovic “hospital for their great work! By the way, I am well and under the appropriate therapy. Wear masks and take care of yourself,” wrote Tadic.

It should be remembered that Tadic announced last night on Twitter that he had received the crown.

“Last night, I received test results showing that I am positive for the corona virus. I hereby inform everyone with whom I have been in direct or indirect contact. Please observe all protective measures and protect yourself now. the rest, “Tadic wrote.

Tadic, a psychologist by profession, was elected President of Serbia for the first time on June 27, 2004, for a four-year term, and was sworn in on July 11 of that year.

He won his second five-year term by winning the second round of the presidential election on February 3, 2008.

Before becoming President of Serbia, he was Minister of Telecommunications of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Minister of Defense of Serbia and Montenegro.
