TABLES FULL OF HEALTH: Producers of organic vegetables present their products at the Novi Sad fish market


A total of 13 growers from Novi Sad and various other cities in Vojvodina will present tomatoes, peppers, radishes and other organic vegetables grown in accordance with the strict regulations on organic food production at the market stalls “Organska Street”, east and the next seven Saturdays. .

– In this way, in the new conditions, we want to introduce ourselves and our products to customers, but also to interest new potential producers in this business we are dealing with – Nada Letić, President of the Association, which currently brings together 20 members, says for “Novosti”.

The association “Organski sad – Novi Sad” was created in 2014 by uniting seven producers, in order to facilitate the placement of their products to customers, especially large retail chains.


IN ORDER to promote organic agricultural production, the city budget has also provided a total amount of 5 million dinars this year.

– Thus organized, we can place our merchandise more efficiently, but also obtain certain support, that is, subsidies, to improve this production, which is very demanding – adds Nada Letić, who, together with her husband Dejan, is dedicated to the organic production for a decade. inside the family farm in Chennai.

On two hectares of land, of which 3,500 square meters are under greenhouse, Letići grows tomatoes, peppers, chard, cucumbers, kale, lettuce and many other vegetable crops, of course without the use of herbicides, pesticides and other conventional means. . production used for plant protection. In addition to vegetables, they grow wheat and fruits, and they also have chickens, which feed on organic plant debris and use bird manure to grow plants to “close the loop.”


ALTHOUGH the number of producers of organic vegetables is increasing from year to year, in Serbia the demand is much higher than the supply. – Our products are bought by seven stores in Belgrade and several more in Novi Sad, and we only sell in the market on Saturdays. Basically, we sell everything we produce – adds Nada Letić.

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