SzS in front of RIK | H1 Serbia


The president of the Alliance for Serbia (SzS), Janko Veselinovic, declared in front of the headquarters of the Electoral Commission of the Republic (REC) that the Alliance is united in the decision to boycott the upcoming elections, and that he will present an initiative to evaluate the constitutionality of the law on elections.

“We have come to point out all the illegalities, the lack of respect for the Constitution in which, apparently, the people in the REC will be ready to participate in the fraudulent elections. If they do not respect the Constitution and the law, they will only be accountable for the electoral theft of (false) elections. ” Veselinovic said.

He said on behalf of all present that the entire SZS is united in its decision to boycott the upcoming elections.

“No one from the SZS will participate in the demonstrations. No one,” Veselinović was decisive and recalled that the Free Citizens Movement is not part of the SZS.

Veselinovic promised to fight for free elections and cited as another of the five reasons for the boycott the fact that the law on the election of deputies was modified on May 10 in the National Assembly, which was dissolved.

“No assembly in the world has changed the conditions of the elections during the electoral processes,” said Veselinovic.

He added that the SZS is presenting an initiative to evaluate the constitutionality of the amendment to the law on the election of people’s deputies, and that the Constitutional Court should repeal it.

He emphasized that he would address international institutions in this regard, including the Venice Commission.

Like the remaining four reasons for boycotting the elections, Veselinovic stated that “there are no minimum conditions for democratic and free elections, media obscurity, the fact that the Serbian Progressive Party abused the pandemic for political purposes and that there are no epidemiological conditions minimum health to go to elections. “
