Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar met with the directors of covid hospitals in Serbia today.
Source: B92, Tanjug

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“We are making efforts to help every kovid patient. We are considering new measures, we have proposals from the crisis staff and within a day or two we will come out with a new position, based on the situation,” Minister Loncar said.
As he said, it must be a joint decision of all the Crisis Staff.
“First of all, we listen to the profession. What they suggest, I am sure, we will adopt,” Loncar said.
He added that a record number of examinations and admissions were recorded, and that 500 places were provided for the weekend in hospitals in Belgrade. Lončar emphasized that it is no longer the time for stories, but that we must turn to the facts and work if we want to fight for the crown.
The minister said that the Serbian health system is not about to be destroyed.
“The system is not about to be triggered, it is oversold. We have provided another 500 places in hospitals in Belgrade for the weekend. The Institute of Occupational Medicine has entered the kovid system and the Institute of Rheumatology will enter tonight,” Loncar said.