System is oversold, record number of receipts recorded


Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar met today with the directors of covid hospitals in Serbia, and after the meeting confirmed that the decision-making process on new measures in the fight against the coronary virus pandemic in Serbia is in March.

– I’ll listen to the profession. With the new measures, we will leave in a day or two – he said.

22-Jul-20 tanjug nikola andjic beograd Di019759239 previewPhoto: Nikola Andjic / Tanjug

22-Jul-20 tanjug nikola andjic beograd Di019759239 preview

He warned that a record number of covid patient admissions is still being recorded.

According to him, the Serbian Clinical Center is looking for a solution to convert another of the clinics into a kovid hospital.

“The system is not about to be laid off, it is oversold,” Loncar emphasized, adding that another 500 places have been provided for covid patients in Belgrade, Mondo reports.

The meeting followed another difficult day for Serbia. According to the latest report, 13,008 citizens were tested for the corona virus in Serbia, of which 3,341 tested positive. 19 patients died, while there are currently 151 ventilator patients in hospitals across the country.

“The situation in Belgrade is difficult”

Loncar emphasized that the situation in Belgrade is very difficult and that there is almost no free bed for covidual patients in the capital.

Last night, the Serbian Parliament approved amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which is the legal framework of measures and procedures that, according to the authorities, will better keep coronavirus epidemics under control and prevent significant negative consequences.
