Švarm: Vučić won on October 5


The editor-in-chief of the weekly Vreme, Filip Švarm, says that on October 5 what was known even earlier was finalized: that (then President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan) Milošević was ready. It also notes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is the winner on October 5.

It is noted that on October 5 Milosevic also requested the intervention of Nebojsa Pavkovic, Chief of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army, Vlajko Stojiljkovic, Minister of the Interior, to act as forcefully as possible, practically the police generals raising Milosevic’s hand , staring at the ceiling. . and October 5 was the day it ended, “Schwarm said on the N1 television show on the 20th anniversary of October 5.

He considers that Vučić is “the heir of Milošević”.

“We have all the power in the hands of a single man, the SNS is a machine with which neither the SPS nor the JUL could be compared”, believes Schwarm.

He adds that Vučić is the winner on October 5, because if it weren’t for him, “I would go to Washington, to Damascus with Bashar al-Assad, Vučić would be an important man in the Serbian Radical Party, but would he have this role?” Schwarm asks.

“That general trend, the European path of Serbia, has remained permanent since October 5. Even those who returned, and who helped Milosevic the most in the 1990s, cannot change that,” emphasizes Schwarm.

Commenting on the situation with the public media service RTS, Schwarm says that it is not a television “that has hate speech”, but Pink, Happy …

RTS was a hit song in Milosevic’s time, but not in Vucic’s time, says Schwarm.

“Indeed, Vučić translated the attempt to control the media in the late 1990s in an enriched way in 2020. Media freedom in Serbia is at a low level. Was it worse in the decade? 1990, yes, then they killed journalists, now thank God they don’t kill them ?, but when the most powerful man, Vučić, calls H1 journalists, Danas, Vremena liars, mercenary tycoons, do we feel safe ?! sends such messages to journalists who only do their job professionally, what kind of media freedom can we talk about and the safety of journalists? “Schwarm asks.

Check out the full N1 program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of October 5:
