Sutanovac Tepicki emphatically due to Vucic: “When the source of information for you is the sites of the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ …” PHOTO


Belgrade – Former DS President Dragan Sutanovac reacted harshly to criticism that SAA Vice President Marinika Tepic directed at Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Source: Tanjug

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“When your source of information is sites controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, and the main adviser is Fake 007, then you see marijuana plantations in Morovic and an Islamic terrorist in Dahlan,” Sutanovac replied to Tepic on Twitter.

Marinika Tepic previously asked on Twitter “if after last night’s terrorist attack in Vienna, Serbia also has reason to fear, by posting an old photo of President Vučić with Mohamed Dahlan.”

“Is Mohamed Dahlan still our honorary citizen or will the passport of the most wanted fugitive be confiscated with the Palestinian and Turkish court orders? Should we also fear Vučić’s combinations after the Vienna massacre? Agreement on migrants with Austria? Transfer from the embassy to Jerusalem? “Tepic wrote on Twitter.
