SURVIVING ON THE HELP OF OTHERS Grandma Soka lives alone in a dilapidated house, childless and hungry (VIDEO)


In a ramshackle and ramshackle house, far from the city and the main road, in the village of Žuč, 15 kilometers from Kuršumlija, grandmother Soka lives, alone, without children and without income, in inhuman conditions, surviving on what others give it.

This old woman is hard of hearing and speaks indistinctly, and her loneliness and sadness were interrupted by good people who collected the basic foods they provided. Soku was visited by a humanitarian from Kursumlija, Dejan Markovic Milosevic, who told “” that this elderly woman has almost no neighbors in the area, but that someone can still be found to help her.

– There is nothing, no children, no income, no garden. Plant an onion and voila, nothing … Acquaintances asked me to go visit her, to meet her. When I went there … it was to make your soul ache – says Milosevic.

As he says, through his organization, he managed to collect basic food, so that Grandma Soka would no longer go hungry.

As she has difficulty speaking, she only managed to thank the human persons who collected food for her, because she will no longer go without eating, and as Milosevic states, this old woman would need a refrigerator, above all, to have a place to store food.

The Soka does not have a refrigerator or television. The walls of her old house were cracked and deteriorated by burning. In a modest room with a makeshift table, an old bed, and concrete, on a truncated wall, there are two icons.

Photo: screenshot

– He was excited when he saw us, because people rarely come here – says Dejan.

– There are many cases like Grandma Soka’s. We are in the field every day, we visit the elderly, the defenseless, the sick, and with the help of human persons, we bring food and aid in various ways according to our capabilities – said Milosevic.

He noted that they unfortunately do not have sufficient funds to renovate this elderly woman’s house, but any help is welcome.

If you want to help raise money for Grandma Soku and other families living in inhumane conditions, the help account is 160-0000000338828-55 Educational Humanitarian Organization.

You can call Dejan Markovic for all additional information on the phone number 061 / 171-4045.

Let us remind you that Dejan was also helped by grandmother Zivka from a place near Kursumlija, who was also living in very difficult conditions and was starving.
