(SURVEY) Are you in favor of LEGALIZING SEX COMMUNITIES in Serbia?


A few days ago, “Belgrade Pride” launched an online petition for the adoption of the law on registered same-sex couples in the hope that this way “will come out of the drawer” the Bill on registered communities of the same sex , drawn up ten years earlier.

The registration of same-sex unions is different from marriage and serves to ensure the visibility of same-sex unions before the law.

Among other things, this means that same-sex couples are subject to property sharing rules if that community ceases to exist, that a same-sex couple can inherit their partner under the same conditions as a spouse, and that a partner of the same sex has the right to inherit a pension upon death. couples, to allow same-sex couples to enjoy the right to protection against domestic violence …

It is also claimed that it differs from marriage in that it does not open up the possibility of adopting children and, for them, as the coordinator of the Pride Info Center Jovan Ilić said previously, it remains “at the level of science fiction”.

Due to the epidemiological situation, this year’s Pride Week, according to the announcements of the Belgrade Pride organizing committee, should be organized mainly online.

Note: The survey cannot be viewed in our app.

Are you in favor of legalizing same-sex unions in Serbia?

