Surprised Dodik – B92


The Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, says that Serbia is a serious country that does not deserve to be humiliated by its presidents, not even by previous ones.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos / Ale_Mi

Photo: Depositphotos / Ale_Mi

As, according to him, Boris Tadic did with his recent appearance on Bosnian Facebook television.

In an open letter to Tadic, Dodik stated that he did not recognize him when he saw and heard him on that television, and that he wondered if what he heard was actually spoken by a man with whom he once had long and serious conversations about the Republika Srpska. , Serbia, the region. on the unprincipled behavior of the international community …

That is, Tadic, as a guest on Bosniak Facebook TV, criticized the signing of the recent agreement in Washington to improve economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina, claiming that Donald Trump benefited more from it for his electoral campaign, and that it has little to do with it. with Belgrade-Pristina relations. .

He claims that he would never participate in the signing of such an agreement.

He also claims that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić is playing a “dangerous game” when it comes to the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, unlike him, who, as he himself puts it, has made great strides in politics. reconciliation of Serbs with other nations in the region and reconciliation of Serbs within Serbia.

Praising his policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, Tadic also criticized the policy of the Serbian member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina presidency, Milorad Dodik, who he said was pursuing a “populist” policy with the aim of remaining in power, that the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina was blackmailing the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jerusalem …

Tadic did not rule out the possibility of changing positions when it comes to the alleged genocide in Srebrenica.

Addressing Tadic several times with “Dear Boris”, Dodik notes that Tadic is unrecognizable because he has undergone a great transformation, and that he remains the same, as stated, “Mile, Krajisnik Serb, never Bosnian Serb, from Laktasi, Republika Srpska “.

In the letter, Dodik, among other things, notes that he does not know what problems made Tadic seek the support of Bosnians in Sarajevo and why, as a former president of Serbia, he followed in the footsteps of, as he himself puts it, a political loser like Cedomir Jovanovic.

In the letter, Dodik reminds Tadic that he was the head of a serious state, who does not deserve to be humiliated by its presidents, not even by previous ones.

Asked what could make the former president of Serbia talk about the Republika Srpska and its representatives on Bosnian television, Dodik said he believed “this is a serious problem.”

If, he says, “this problem is called pity for the chair, from where he was expelled in the elections by the will of the people,” then, as he said, “I do not understand that problem, because Serbia and the Republika Srpska are more important than his political mandate and mine. and our people. ”

In a letter to Tadic, Dodik tells him that he is shocked by his statement that the day will come when he will reconsider his position on the alleged genocide in Srebrenica, as a common citizen.

“You, the former president of Serbia, softened to the point that you can say that, due to the fact that you are a guest on Bosnian television, knowing now and until now that there is no evidence or arguments for that?” Dodik emphasized, reported Srna.

It seems, he told Tadic, that he tied the fate of Serbia to his own, so it seems to him that if he is not in the lead, there is nothing of Serbia.

Noting that he couldn’t understand Tadic’s confession on Facebook, otherwise, Dodik also points out that he never spoke publicly about Tadic’s failures, especially those in relation to the Republika Srpska.

“Should I remind you of the now historically catastrophic movement in the UN General Assembly, a movement that determined the subsequent course of events in Kosovo and Metohija, which was naturally reflected in the region? Should I remind you of the Istanbul Declaration, by the which I called him and begged him not to, because (Haris) Silajdzic cannot sign it on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina without the consent of (Nebojsa) Radmanovic, that is, the Republika Srpska. for the falsehoods you told about me ”, Dodik stated.

He also told Tadic that today, along with his people, he is also fighting a battle on the identity front.

“That is why we will not remain silent in front of anyone who is trying to humiliate the Republika Srpska, not even in front of you,” Dodik said, adding:

“How, Boris, did you wholeheartedly defend and connect Kosovo and the Republika Srpska? I wonder when you were honest then or now. When you lost the election, you called a press conference, which ended with words, see you in another movie. Yes you mean this one, I’m sorry that you ever filmed it, and when you already filmed it, I’m sorry I had to watch it, because if I didn’t, I would still think I met a man when I called him friend, regardless of whether he’s still the president of Serbia. “.
