Summer will last through fall, until when revealed!


Good time to travel.

Weather, sunny, warm, people, girls

Photo: Hello! / Ana Paunković

Although the beginning of the summer passed with meteorological oscillations, the end of the summer will pass in stable temperatures and above the average for this time of year. October is also expected to be warm.

The end of summer and the beginning of fall, which hits the calendar on September 21, will pass in above-average temperatures of about 30 degrees. Meteorologist Djordje Đurić said he shouldn’t be surprised that September is warm, because summer is still going on.

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– The last part of the summer is much more stable compared to the beginning of the summer. Before the end of the summer, the usual thing is that the weather is much more stable, with less rainfall, as also this year. In the coming days we will enjoy warm days and temperatures above average by about five degrees. Those temperatures will not be extremely hot, but they will surely exceed 30 degrees during the day. Still, the days will be much more bearable than a little before. Now, the day is shorter compared to July and August, so the period of those temperatures during the day is shorter, and it will be easier for us to endure 30 degrees and more. And the nights are colder, because the temperatures drop 10 degrees, so it feels different, Đurić said.

He added that such weather will continue into the next week, when there will be a short-term, but not significant, cooling with clouds and conditions for precipitation. Around September 20, sunny weather and normal values ​​will return for this part of the year.

– Then we enter autumn, so the climate will gradually acquire the characteristics of autumn. There is no fear that we will immediately jump to the cold autumn days, it is still early to talk about it – said Đurić adding that it is quite certain that there will be more moderately warm and sunny days in continuity.

Last October was also one of the warmest in Belgrade, with temperatures reaching 29 degrees for the entire month. October last year was warmer than May 2019, so it is realistic to expect this year’s temperatures to be slightly above average during October.
