Suleiman’s rib was broken and four women were injured


For a group of five tourists, including two German citizens, a day of excursions in the Sopotnicki waterfalls two days ago became a permanently ugly memory. They were beaten by two people from Prijepolje, who were identified by the police and are 22 and 24 years old.

Four women and one man had no idea that, while sitting on a blanket and enjoying the natural beauties, they would somehow attract the attention of the hung youths.

At one point, the boy knelt on a blanket and began to behave vulgarly with women: Sulejman KordićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

At one point, the boy knelt on a blanket and began to behave vulgarly with women: Sulejman Kordić

– The guy who was circling around us, on the phone as if talking, just at one point knelt on the blanket and began to behave in a vulgar way with the ladies, the people in question who were with me. Then I went into history to say that that performance was not pleasant. Then he says: I didn’t hurt anyone. You did not hurt yourself, but it is not pleasant like that, they are women of years and we came to rest – Sulejman Kordić, the victim of the attack, recounts the event, writes RTS.

Police soon identified the attackers, aged 22 and 24.

The 62-year-old Sulejman’s ribs were broken and minor bodily injuries were inflicted on women, including two German citizens. They also informed the Embassy in Belgrade about the attack.

They could also have injured children: Osmana HasečićPhoto: RTS / screenshot

They could also have injured children: Osmana Hasečić

– In such a beautiful place where the children were around us. They could also have hurt the children, not just the four women and mine. That was terrible for me. And yesterday I still had a panic attack because of that – Osmana Hasečić complains from Berlin.

A spokeswoman for the Prijepolje prosecutor’s office said that they are working on the collection of relevant information to determine the existence of a possible criminal responsibility of people for criminal acts for which the prosecutor is authorized.

Young men known for their violent behavior

Unofficially, two young men from Prijepolje are known for their violent behavior, which is why many are afraid to speak in public.

However, the state has all the mechanisms to apply the law to dangerous people and protect citizens.
