SUITES AND WHISPERED ARTIFICIAL LUNGS Take a look at the “red zone” of the Infectious Disease Clinic where the most difficult patients to crown are FIGHTING FOR LIFE (VIDEO)


“Protect yourself, this is not naive at all,” said corona patients in the “red zone” of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, a place that testifies that the data on new corona cases are not statistics, but a reality, terrifying for those who “passed”.

This was testified to Tanjug by patients in the intensive care unit who were in such a state of health that they could and wanted to speak and warn about the serious consequences of the virus, unlike the majority of patients in that ward, who were intubated or in a coma.

One of those who was lucky and, thanks to the work and dedication of the medical staff, came out of a coma for several days a few days ago, is an elderly woman, who says that the first symptoms she felt were high fever and cough.

– I felt horrible, hard, very hard, indescribable, I had pain – and muscles and bones, everything hurt, everything hurt, but, thank God and doctors like that, I feel good now – he says, adding that he is not afraid on her own, but rather “heart aches” when she learns that someone young has fallen ill or that, God forbid, is on the machines.

On the other hand, due to another illness, she is immobile, in a wheelchair and assumes that the virus “was brought to her by someone who came to visit her.”

– I was only able to get infected from those who visited me and brought the virus. Neither my daughter-in-law, nor my son, nor my grandson, no one is positive. I took good care of them, but they are fine: the story, in a weak voice, through an oxygen mask.

The sound of respirators, monitors, artificial lungs and other medical devices, as well as the rustle of spacesuits, dominate her, as she says with a smile that she now feels “very good compared to what it was.”

– I have nothing to fear at this age, but I am afraid for you young people. Listen when they tell you not to go out. There is time for that, you don’t have to be in society now, you protect yourself – he repeats.

The case of a patient who came to Belgrade from the capital of the Republika Srpska for work reasons also shows that there is never enough caution when it comes to the corona virus.

The first symptoms: a mild cough, loss of smell and taste, as well as fever, as the fifty-year-old Banja Luka man himself put it, was felt last Tuesday, and the progression of the disease was not extremely rapid.

“It developed slowly, but it has become intense in the last three days,” he says and admits that he did not respond immediately to the test, due to various circumstances.

He had no pain, nor does he now, but his lungs need mechanical ventilation, that is, oxygen support.

He says he is not in a panic, but that he is concerned for his health.

He took the coronary virus pandemic seriously even before he was infected and adhered to preventive measures: wearing a mask, maintaining a physical distance and other recommendations from epidemiologists.

– It seems to me that the virus is quite widespread in the population and that there is a great risk that we may encounter it regardless of compliance – he says, but adds that preventive measures still significantly reduce that risk.

Their doctors and nurses at the Infectious Diseases Clinic join these patients’ warnings that they must exercise extreme caution and adhere to all possible protective measures.

They are happiest, they say, when patients leave this room cured from their homes, but unfortunately far fewer than lose the battle against the virus, which has killed more than one million one hundred thousand people worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. .
