SUFFERING THAT THE AVERAGE MAN COULD NOT: Sherbedzija for the insults directed at Pupovac


– That is very sad. Pupovac suffers what the average person cannot suffer, not only from those young people, who can make mistakes. Many took care of him and whoever wanted could clean the carpet with him – Serbedzija told P Portal.

Serbedzija says that Pupovac is involved in politics out of the need to help Serbs in Croatia, but also for the betterment of all of Croatia.

– There are misunderstandings and criticisms of him in politics for misinterpretation. I know Pupovac well and I know that it is frequent – Serbedzija points out.

Concluding that he himself faced similar attacks, Serbedzija says that he is used to “various phenomena and types” that are related to him.

– These are service revolvers that sometimes do so by order of some parties, foreign or private. I have no problems with most people – he emphasized.

When asked if the environment in Croatia has improved since he returned to the country, Serbedzija, who has lived in Istria for two decades, where he runs the Ulysses Theater with his wife, theater director Lenka Udovicki, said yes and said that was necessary. spend a lot of time forgetting what was in the war, say goodbye and find new reasons to live and coexist.

Speaking of the current situation in Croatia after the strong earthquake, Šerbežija considers that what happened to Petrinja, Glina and Sisak is terrible.

– Everything fell on us. I can’t imagine what it’s like for these poor people in the rain and cold. It’s amazing how others stood in solidarity with them at the same time. The “common” people felt called to go to those cities affected by the earthquake and help. That’s fantastic – said Serbedzija.

In this lengthy conversation, published under the title “When the guns thunder, the voice of art is not heard”, the actor spoke about his new album release, art, football and friends, and when asked what he expects for 2021, He said he hopes people will be smart and considerate enough and will be vaccinated to stop the spread of the corona virus.

– It is not the fear of death, but the need to finally live a normal life without fear or limitations. I think that by May or June we will live normally again. That’s the basics. Earthquakes leave terrible trauma and that experience will last a long time in the minds of those affected, Serbedzija said.

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