Suddenly they fight for their lives! Three thugs intercepted him and brutally beat him due to OLD CONFLICT!


HIS SKULL WAS BROKEN WITH STICKS: Nenad is fighting for his life!  Three thugs intercepted him and brutally beat him due to OLD CONFLICT!

Photo: Ana Paunković, Illustration

Three people from Valjevo attacked and brutally beat Nenad, causing serious bodily harm. The thugs beat Nenad so much with batons that they broke his skull, and the Belgrade doctors fight for the young man’s life.

Nenad was attacked on Pere Komirićanca street in Valjevo around 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday and was intercepted by Miloš R. (22), Nenad J. (25) and Bojan P. (42), all three from Valjevo, who they were soon arrested. . The assailants brutally beat the victim with batons in the middle of the street.

The New Jersey attack was seen by a Valjevo woman who recognized one of the thugs and immediately alerted police. After that, the police quickly identified the other attackers and arrested them. At first, it was suspected that there was another attacker, a fourth young man, but the investigation established that he also witnessed the attack and was not a participant in it.

– The most likely motive is the unsolved accounts that the beaten young man and the suspect Nenad J. had before, since they clashed in the city. They are supposed to have agreed to meet again and resolve the dispute. Nenad connected two others with him. A group of men just walked around the city “armed” with truncheons, they accidentally met someone and beat him – says a source in the investigation.

By the way, all the detainees, as well as those beaten, have files with the police for various crimes, and they are kept in the criminal record.

NJ (29), who was found in a pool of blood and unconscious, encountered numerous life-threatening head injuries, in the form of lacerations and bruised wounds and bleeding to the brain, for which he was transferred from the Hospital Valjevo Emergency Center in Belgrade. the doctors fight for his life.

The three detainees were detained for up to 48 hours, after which they will be transferred to the basic prosecutor’s office in Valjevo.

Photo illustration by Ana Paunković

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