Such arrogant behavior has not been seen in a long time! (PHOTO)



05/14/2020 12:26

People are shocked.

Smederevo woman steals flowers, Photo: Twitter / Print screen

The good weather has come, and the coronavirus epidemic “threw” everything on the terraces, balconies, patios, whatever … Many remembered that it was time to improve that space a little, but the movement of this woman Smederevo infuriated to all!

Namely, he came up with the idea of ​​decorating his garden completely free of charge by plucking candles from the city’s gardeners.

Smederevo woman steals flowers, Photo: Twitter / Print screen

He loaded onto the streets of Smederevo and collected everything he liked, leaving the taunt behind.

– Three petonia seedlings cost 100 dinars. Maybe he stole 200 dinars, and probably after shaking the root, the plant will have a problem being accepted or perish. In any case, you should be fined 20,000 dinars, so stealing would no longer occur to you, he adds.

People recalled similar events …

Smederevo woman steals flowers, Photo: Twitter / Print screen

– Now I remembered that for a couple of years in a row, some dwarf plants were stolen from the grave of Tara, which I dragged to my hometown by bus with so much love, wrote a tweeter.

There are also several robberies …

– My grandmother bought two boxes of seedlings at the market in our town today. The boxes were next to the car, and my father was next to the ambulance across the street. Baba turned around, walked about two meters from the box to see some tomatoes, when the seedlings were stolen in a careless minute. He had just seen the house disappear.
