SUCCESS VIDEO OF A SERBIAN GANG WORKING WITH SPANISH ROADS: A beautiful girl lures the victim, and then the kidnapping begins (VIDEO)


The team is accused of robbing foreign tourists, but also locals, in various ways on the roads in the past nine months, when the pandemic “cleared” the roads of foreigners.

The Serbs had an elaborate plan of looting. One involved a beautiful lady, who would find herself in trouble on the road and then ask the other drivers for help. When someone stopped to help her, two people would fly out of her vehicle, attack the assistant and rob him.

The other was much less violent. That is, the gang would puncture someone’s tire in the parking lot or stop, and then follow the vehicle until the driver was forced to stop. Then, like good friends on the road, they would stop offering help to the man. While two members of the gang exchanged the flat tire with the owner of the vehicle, the third secretly would take all the valuables from the vehicle.

Police learned of the thieves when annoying drivers started calling and reporting that they had been mugged on the road. Fortunately for the police, the gang was also filmed by security cameras. The video shows thieves robbing victims with whom they would have previously pierced the performance.

About 100 police officers participated in the operation to arrest Serbian thieves, and more than 40,000 euros, jewelery, but also watches and gadgets worth about 38,000 euros were found in their apartments.

The investigation established that Serbs who were previously known to the police were detained for numerous criminal acts. That is, they stormed the roads in 2012, for which they were arrested. Many of them, after their release, continued with their old habits.

For now, it is not known how many years in prison they threaten, should they be convicted.


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