SUBSIDIES FOR 2,200 VEHICLES: New Decree of the Government of Serbia


The Government of Serbia has adopted the Decree on the conditions and the manner of carrying out the subsidized purchase of cars for the renewal needs of the taxi fleet. Entrepreneurs and companies have the right to subsidized purchase of passenger cars.

The decree provides for non-refundable funds that are approved to taxi drivers in the equivalent of 8,000 euros. During 2020, about 550 million dinars were allocated to the purchase of 450 new vehicles. The budget for next year foresees funds in the amount of around 2.5 billion dinars for about 2,200 taxis. The subsidy is scheduled to be implemented in 2022, which means that the vehicle fleet will be largely replaced in these three years.

Likewise, the Government approved the State Program for Reconstruction or Urgent Works for the Rehabilitation of Protective Facilities against Waters Damaged by the Floods caused by the June Natural Disaster, for which 1,100 million dinars were allocated. The Decree on the distribution of incentives in agriculture and rural development was also approved, which will optimally support underdeveloped areas of agricultural production, as well as areas with difficult working conditions, by improving the competitiveness of agricultural holdings.

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