Subotic: Serbia received 3.03 out of 5; according to the report, it will be ready for the EU in 65 years


The lack of progress is actually a good formulation by Brussels for the stagnation of European integration; Analysts from the Center for European Policies and journalists covering events at the European Union headquarters agree. And Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, in his responses to questions about the European Commission’s report on Serbia’s progress, tried to leave the impression that the report was not particularly important to him.

The report of the European Commission, the president of Serbia, as he says, was not seen or read before its official publication. Some details, you still know … “I haven’t even heard of that to be completely honest … Or was it Tanja? … That from police brutality? … Yes. Congratulations to them for that. Imagine in a country”. let the police raise the first baton when someone takes over the National Assembly, ”Vucic said.

The brutality during the July demonstrations is just one of the objections addressed to the Serbian government in the EC’s annual report. The sharpest criticism actually relates to the judiciary, which according to the report is under political influence, as well as government control of the media and non-transparent funding of the media, threats and violence against journalists. .

On the other hand, progress has been made in regional cooperation and in an area that is clearly the most important for the European Union at this time.

“Yes, there has been progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but the implementation of the agreement is really key to any significant progress in European integration,” said Vladimir Bilchik, European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia.

In the analysis of the EC report, the Center for European Policies concludes that if the report is translated into a quantitative rating, Serbia received 3.03 out of 5, but the problem is that a rating of 5 is necessary for Serbia to be ready to be member of the EU.

“If we wanted to plastically explain those numbers to viewers, we can say that Serbia will only reach the optimum level of overall readiness in 65 years to become a member of the EU,” says Strahinja Subotic of the Center for European Policies.

The report also claims that the composition of parliament does not affect political pluralism, that everyone was allowed to participate in the elections, but that conditions were not fair.

“If you read between the lines, if you see what problems the EU has listed, it is clear that the authorities are responsible for those problems. Even these things that were mediated by MEPs, when it comes to elections and life policy, they still say that those recommendations have not been implemented and have not been worked on yet, “said Nikola Burazer from the European Western Balkans.

There is progress in Serbia in terms of the economy and budget, says the European Commission, but adds that the record low level of unemployment is actually a consequence of the emigration of the healthy population.
