Belgrade: After a two-month break, the student dormitories in Belgrade will welcome the first students today.
Source: Tanjug

Due to university obligations, between 3,000 and 3,500 students return home.
At Student City, everything is ready for tenant reception, all rooms have been painted and sanitized, all surfaces have been thoroughly washed and sanitized, and grass has been mowed.
The director of the Belgrade Student Center, Goran Mini, told Tanjug that all the dorms open their doors, but also eight of the 14 restaurants that operate within the SC “Belgrade”.
He says that all faculties, higher vocational schools, have submitted lists of students who have obligations in May: exam deadlines, block classes, laboratory networks.
“Only those students return to the dormitories for which the higher education institutions presented us with obligations in May. That represents 30 to 35 percent of our capacities, that is, from 3,000 to 3,500 students,” says MIni.
Rentals paid by academics in March will be included for May, and coupons they purchased in March and were not used can be used in May.
Of the 14 restaurants, eight will open today, namely Student City, Karaburma, Vodovac, “King Alexander the First”, “Rifat Burdevi”, Zemun, “Patris Lumumba” and Koutnjak.
Mini noted that all the dormitories within the Belgrade Student Center are kept hygienically daily, that they are disinfected and ventilated, that the air conditioning is not turned on, and that employees wear masks and gloves.
Visits, overnight stays and all celebrations in student rooms are prohibited in the dormitories.
